Yesterday was a very nice day. At 10 o'clock Jessica and I went to the Farmers Market, which is every Saturday, and saw a lot of nice food.
After that we went to Cadbury's -the famous Choclolate factory in Dunedin- there we met the others and had a guided tour through the factory. That was really great -it's a little bit like in Charlie and the chocolate factory:)- the best thing was that we got some chocolate to try :). I'll bring some with be when I come back home :).
This mornig, I had to go to school because I have drama at school and we are performing a play so we had rehearsel today. After school we went to town and had lunch and went shopping.

This evening Kirsty and Heidi came for tea.
It was really a nice week and I'm raelly enjoying my time here. :)
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